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You are here: Home > Mayan Ruins > Mayan 2012
Equinox celebration tours in Chichen Itza

The beginning of a new era.

A celebration of the beginning of a new Maya calendar cycle at the Maya archaeological sites like Tulum, Coba, Ek Balam, Chichen Itza will be held from Dec 21, 2012. This date marks the end of the Long Count, a 5,125 year cycle of the Maya calendar, and the world's transition into a new era.

Special activities and events for tours and excursions that visit the different archaeological sites in the Yucatan Peninsula have been prepared. Join us in one of our tours and be part of the celebration of this memorable date. Prices are the same!

Imagine a New Years Eve celebration that occurred only once every 5,125 years? This is what the year 2012 represents for the Mayas, who for centuries have looked forward to it as an important time for rebirth, reflection, and renewal as one cosmic cycle is completed and another begins. It is a date referred to on the famous Mayan Calendar for millennia, an epoch around which this incredible culture was built. Now, after a wait of so many centuries, the Mayan believe that the dawn of a new era is upon us.

2012 is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate in acknowledging the achievements of the most amazing civilizations of the ancient world while celebrating the future with a culture that has been successfully predicting it for centuries. Join us to celebrate one of history's most long awaited moments, it promises to be unforgettable

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Contact information

Cancun Adventure Tours
Phone number: +52 (998) 849-4911
Blvd. Kukulcan Km. 3.5, Centro Empresarial Nautilus Local 5 Zona Hotelera, Cancun
Email: [email protected]

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